

时间:2020-12-14 浏览:763


张飞,男,讲师,19866月生。20176月毕业于中科院上海技术物理研究所,获理学博士学位,2017-2019在复旦大学材料科学系从事博士后科学研究工作,20196月任职于公司。目前已发表学术论文22篇,申请并获授权发明专利4项。担任Applied Surface Science, Optics Letters, Applied OpticsJOSA-A等期刊审稿人。



1. 2020/07-2023/6, 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号: 20ZR1423400 (主持)

2. 2019/01-2021/12, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目批准号:61805042 (主持)

3. 2018/01-2019/06,中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助,项目批准号:2018M632014 (主持, 已结题)

4. 2016/01-2016/12, 中科院上海技物所创新种子基金 (主持,已结题)

5. 2017/07-2019/06, 防科技创新特区, 项目批准号:KWH2022079  (主要参与人)

6. 2018/01-2019/06上海市自然科学基金, 项目批准号: 18ZR1405100 (主要参与人)


[1]F. Zhang,G. S. Huang, X. F. Nie, H. L. Zhen, Y. F. Mei, R. H. Fan, Stress evolution and its effects on detection performance of self-rolled quantum well infrared detector, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, will be published in 2021, Issue 1.

[2] F. Zhang, W. Zhou, Z. M. Huang, Study of Mn-Co-Ni-O Thin Films Doped with Cu and Cu/Sc Elements and Properties of the Detectors, ModernPhysics Letters B, accepted.

[3] F. Zhang, G. S. Huang, X. F. Nie, Z. Ma, Z. F. Di, H. L. Zhen, Y. F. Mei, Energy Band Modulation of GaAs/Al0.26Ga0.74As Quantum Well in 3D Self-Assembled Nanomembranes, Physics Letters A, 2019,383, 2938.

[4] F. Zhang, X. F. Nie, G. S. Huang, H. L. Zhen, F. Ding, Z. F. Di, Y. F. Mei, Strain-modulated photoelectric properties of self-rolled GaAs/Al0.26Ga0.74As quantum well nanomembrane, Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12, 065003.

[5] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Study on the optical properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films, Optical Materials Express, 2018, 8 (9): 2815-2822.

[6] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Interface electrical properties between MCNO thin film and organic compounds, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113, 061601.

[7] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Effect of substrate thermal conductivity on the properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin film thermo-sensitive infrared detector, Physica Status Solidi (a), 2018, 1800040.

[8] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Effects of partial substitution of cations on electrical properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 111: 222103-1-4.

[9] F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Spectroscopic ellipsometric properties of annealed Mn1.95Co0.77Ni0.28O4 thin films. Optics Letters, 2017, 42 (19):3836-3839.

[10] F. Zhang, J. Wu, C. OuYang, W. Zhou, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang. Effect of Cation Distribution on Structural and Electrical Properties of MnxCoyNi3-x-yO4 thin Films. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2017, 36(2): 144-148.

[11] F. Zhang, C. OuYang, W. Zhou, J. Wu, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang, Annealing effect on the properties of Mn-Co-Ni-O film detector, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2016, 35(3):287-293.

[12] F. Zhang, W. Zhou, C. OuYang, J. Wu, Y. Q. Gao, Z. M. Huang. Annealing effect on the structural and electrical performance of Mn-Co-Ni-O filmsAIP Advance, 2015, 5(11):683-688.

[13] Z. M. Huang, W. Zhou, C. Ouyang, J. Wu, F. Zhang, J. G. Huang, Y. Q. Gao, J. H. Chu. High performance of Mn-Co-Ni-O spinel nanofilms sputtered from acetate precursors. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:10899-1-8.

[14] C. Ouyang, W. Zhou, J. Wu, Y. Q. Gao, F. Zhang, Z. M. Huang. Fabrication and characterization of back-incident optically immersed bolometer based on Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films for infrared detection. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015,233: 442-450.

[15] 张飞. 衬底热导对Mn-Co-Ni-O薄膜热敏红外探测器性能的影响,, (2020) 672-8785.

[16] 张飞林峰肖乐银刘志环苏钰蒋燕麟脉冲电镀Ni-Co合金在高温处理下的结合力变化,金刚石与磨料磨具工程,(4) 2014, 61-65.

[17] 张飞,林峰,肖乐银,刘志环,苏钰,蒋燕麟镀镍金刚石的双脉冲复合电沉积搅拌上砂工艺,金刚石与磨料磨具工程,(6) 2014,34-36. 



