

时间:2020-12-14 浏览:2319





中国数学学会和力学学会会员、中国造船工程学会会员、中国声学学会会员、上海船舶与海洋工程学会会员、《INT J MECH SCI》、《THIN WALL STRUCT》、《COMMUN NONLINEAR SCI》等多个期刊审稿人。

ORCID: 0000-0003-4736-6512



  1. 2019.02-            公司   船舶与海洋工程   讲师  

  2. 2014.09-2018.12       上海交通大学   船舶与海洋工程   博士  导师:廖世俊 教授

    2016-2017           Yokohama National University船舶与海洋工程系   访学交流

  3. 2011.09-2014.04       江苏科技大学   船舶与海洋工程   硕士  导师:杨松林 教授

  4. 2008.09-2011.06       江苏科技大学(提前毕业)   船舶与海洋工程 学士


  1. 本科生:船舶结构力学(专业基础课、48学时)、海洋工程波浪力学(专业选修课、32学时)

  2. 研究生:船舶与海洋结构物环境载荷(专业选修课、32学时)、高等船舶流体力学(专业基础课、48学时)


  1. 舰船梁、板、壳结构性能非线性分析及多尺度小波计算方法

  2. 非线性水动力学、非线性波浪力学、波浪与结构物相互作用

  3. 智能无人水面船舶及水下无人深潜器综合航行性能优化



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,求解力学中强非线性问题的小波同伦方法拓展研究(No. 11902189)2020/01-2022/12,在研,主持;

  2. 海洋工程国家重点实验室基金开放项目变厚度薄板大挠度弯曲精确小波解 (No.1906)2020/01-2021/12, 结题,主持;

  3. 海洋智能装备与系统教育部重点实验室基金开放项目, 波浪中运动目标姿态预报及声特性工程预报统计模型, 2020/09-2021.12, 结题,主持;


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,应用新型小波-同伦方法求解方腔及微管道内的混合对流问题(No. 11872241)2019/01-2022/12,在研,参与;

  2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,统一波浪模型及有限水深尖峰孤立波研究(No. 11432009)2015-2019,已结题,参与;

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水面高速无人艇航行性能综合优化模型及方法(No. 51379094), 2014/01-2017/12,已结题,参与;

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非线性波浪共振研究(No.11272209)2013/01-2016/12,已结题,参与;

  5. 国家973项目,水面高速无人作战平台基础研究(No. 6131110102), 2011/09-2012/06,已结题,参与;

  6. 十二五”国防基础科研,深海无人智能潜器技术—潜水器多学科优化设计(No.A2420110001)2011/09-2014/03,已结题,参与;



  1. Qiang Yu*. Wavelet solution for hygro-thermo-mechanical bending of initially defected plate undergoing large deformation on nonlinear elastic foundation. Thin-Walled Structures 179 (2022): 109601. (中科院二区)

  2. Qiang Yu*. Large deflection bending analysis of variable-thickness tapered plates under three-dimensionally hygro-thermo-mechanical loads.  International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2021): 106648. (中科院一区)

  3. Qiang Yu*. A hierarchical wavelet method for nonlinear bending of materially and geometrically anisotropic thin plate. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 92 (2021): 105498. (中科院一区)

  4. Qiang Yu, Hang Xu*. A homotopy-based wavelet approach for large deflection of a circular plate on nonlinear foundations with parameterized boundaries. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 90 (2021): 80-95. (中科院一区)

  5. Qiang Yu*. Wavelet-based homotopy method for analysis of nonlinear bending of variable-thickness plate on elastic foundations. Thin-Walled Structures 157 (2020): 107105. (中科院二区)

  6. Qiang Yu, Hang Xu*, Shijun Liao. Nonlinear analysis for extreme large bending deflection of a rectangular plate on non-uniform elastic foundations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 61:316-340.(中科院一区)

  7. Qiang Yu (俞强), Hang Xu*, Shijun Liao. Coiflets solutions for Föppl-von Kármán equations governing large deflection of a thin flat plate by a novel wavelet-homotopy approach. Numerical Algorithms79.4 (2018): 993-1020. (中科院二区)


  1. Sohail Ahmed, Hang Xu*, Yue Zhou, Qiang Yu, Modelling convective transport of hybrid nanofluid in a lid driven square cavity with consideration of Brownian diffusion and thermophoresis, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 137(2022), 106226. (中科院二区)

  2. Qiang Yu*. A decoupled wavelet approach for multiple physical flow fields of binary nanofluid in double-diffusive convection. Applied Mathematics and Computation 404 (2021): 126232. (中科院一区)

  3. Qiang Yu, Hang Xu*, Shijun Liao. A novel Homotopy-wavelet approach for solving stream function-vorticity formulation of Navier-Stokes equations.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 67: 124-151.(中科院一区)

  4. Qiang Yu, Hang Xu*, Shijun Liao. Analysis of mixed convection flow in an inclined lid-driven enclosure with Buongiorno’s nanofluid model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,126:221-236. (中科院一区)

  5. Qiang Yu, Hang Xu*. Novel wavelet-homotopy Galerkin technique for analysis of lid-driven cavity flow and heat transfer with non-uniform boundary conditions. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 2018, 39(12): 1691-1718.(中科院二区)

  6. Anyang Wang, Hang Xu*, Qiang Yu. Homotopy Coiflets wavelet solution of electrohydrodynamic flows in a circular cylindrical conduit. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 2020:1-18. (中科院二区)

  7. 俞强,徐航,廖世俊,带有复杂热边界的双扩散纳米传热流动问题[C],第十届全国流体力学学术会议论文, 20181025-28.

  8. 俞强*杨兆臣,廖世俊,徐航一种求解非线性力学问题的高精度小波同伦方法,第二届计算流体力学中高精度方法及应用研讨会,2020.01.13,中国科学院大学,北京;

  9. Qiang Yu*, Hang Xu. A wavelet-homotopy Approach for nonhomogeneous boundary value problem[C], Chinese Conference on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Nanjing, China, August 19-23, 2018.  


  1. 俞强, 杨松林等. UUV操纵性能综合优化模型研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2014, 9(1):31-39.

  2. 俞强, 杨松林等. 基于高速单体无人艇航行性能的并行优化方法[J]. 舰船科学技术, 2014, 36(3):40-45.

  3. 俞强, 杨松林等. 基于CFD不同AUV艇体阻力性能研究[J]. 船海工程, 2014(2):177-181.

  4. Songlin Yang, Baoming Wang, Qiang Yu, Yiyan Wen. Comprehensive Optimization Method on Navigation Performance of the Planing Hydrofoil USV. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA. Proceedings of 2013 2nd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation[C]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA, 2013:6. (EI)

  5. 魏子凡, 俞强, 杨松林. 基于CFD不同AUV艇体的阻力性能分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2014, 9(3):10.

  6. 陈鹏,杨松林,刘福伟,俞强.基于并行遗传混沌方法的UUV性能综合优化分析. 舰船科学技术 8(2013):6.

  7. Zi-Fan, Wei, Meng-Yun Wang, Qiang Yu, Song-Lin Yang A Design of Resistance Optimization System for Unmanned Submersible Vehicle Based on Response Surface Method. In 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Civil Engineering (icmce-14), pp. 128-133. Atlantis Press, 2014.




联系地址:上海市浦东新区海港大道1550号 泰山科研楼 434b
